About US

Who We Are

KAMA-TECH SOLUTIONS is a client-focused, result-oriented, and data-driven IT consulting service company that specializes in Data Science (DS), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Combining unmatched commitment, deep technical expertise, and specialized skill sets across various industries, domains, and functions, our committed, client-focused, and result-driven experts deliver on the promise of technology, human creativity, and ingenuity. With a steadfast dedication to driving measurable success for our clients, KAMA-TECH SOLUTIONS leverages the power of data-driven insights and cutting-edge technologies to help businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and achieve their strategic objectives.

our services

what we do

We develop accurate, high-value, and actionable Analytics solutions powered by Advanced Analytics, Data Science, ML & AI Technologies that provides high-value customized quality services, and aim for minimal disruption to our clients located in the US and around the world to better manage strategic, tactical and operational performance and gain a competitive advantage on competitors. Our services cover:

Machine Learning

We build and deploy the following Machine Learning models : Supervised Learning algorithms: Linear Regression Logistic Regression Support Vector M...

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Artificial Intelligence

AI is a general field that encompasses machine learning and deep-learning, but that also includes many more approaches that don't involve any lear...

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Data Science

Data Science is a powerful data-driven approach and discipline which combines aspects of statistics, mathematics, programming, and visualization techn...

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why choose us

We focus our attention on providing workable Data-Driven IT business solutions for our clients so that our clients can focus their attention on the success of their business.

Best Technology

We use the latest in technology equipment and tools in our work, aiding our installation efforts and giving you peace of mind.

Quality Service & Cost-effective

A wide range of high-value customized quality services in a timely and cost-effective way to our clients that will help their companies maximize profit, minimize risks and losse.

Fast Service

Schedule and receive service in a convenient and reasonable amount of time.

Deliver & Sustain

Our strategies are tightly structured and aim for minimal disruption to our clients business. We deliver simple solutions for complex problems.

Experienced Staff

Professional and Experienced staff ready to help you anytime.


We believe in open communication, collaboration and team work. We see ourselves as an extended team of our clients and collaborate with all stakeholders of the project.


latest blog

7 Myths About Data Science , written Arnaud Davy M.M

Data Science (DS) may be defined as a new powerful data-driven approach and a collection of disciplines which combines aspects from applied mathematics to statistics, programming, and visualization techniques to turn structured and unstructured data into information in semi or fully automated fashion.

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Data Science: Expection Vs Reality, written by Arnaud Davy M.M

In the last couple of years, the largest companies (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, etc) and others in the entire world used data to their advantage. Data Science (DS) has consistently ranked as one of the best and sexiest jobs in America, both from a company’s perspective and from an employee’s perspective.

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We will have one of our experts or business advisors reach out to you as soon as possible. From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we have got you covered.